There are some Autonomous Councils in Assam which have been created to provide certain autonomy to the plain tribes of Assam outside the 6th schedule of theconstitution. In this direction first step was taken by Govt. of Assam in 1993 when Bodoland Autonomous Council was created.
- From 1993 to 2003 Bodoland Autonomous Council was under the State Government which was upgraded to the Bodoland Territotial Areas District Council in 2003 under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution.
- Presently, there are Six Autonomous Councils under the State Legislation in Assam.
- Missing Autonomous Council (1995),
- Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council (1995),
- Lalung (Tiwa) Autonomous Council (1995),
- Deori Autonomous Council (2005),
- Sonowal Kachari Autonomous Council (2005), and
- Thengal Kachari Autonomous Council (2005).
Autonomous Council
- The Autonomous Council composed of Genereal Council, Executive Council, Village Council and Chief Executive Councillor.
- The term of office of General Council is five years.
- The powers of Autonomous Council are generally entrusted with the General Council and they are basically exercised by Executive Council.
- The Autonomous Council has been given the legislative, executive and limited financial powers. Autonomous Council has power to decide on subjects like cottage
industry, education, rural roads, social welfare, fisheries, tourism, transport etc.
- However, the Autonomous Council is not financially autonomous as it is fully dependent on the state government.
- The General Council can prepare its budget in such manner as may be prescribed for each financial year and submit it to the Government by 1st November of current
financial year.
- The Government may either approve the budget or may return it to the General Council or to the Village Council, as the case may be, for reconsideration on
the observations of the government, if any. It cannot generate fund by itself.

PS: Important maps: